5 Benefits of Yoga and Nutrition Together

My personal healing journey started when I first discovered yoga. At the time I was under a lot of stress and it manifested as very poor digestion and lots of abdominal pain. What I didn’t realize was that I’d learned to dissociate from my core. There was so much discomfort happening in my stomach and intestines that I’d resorted (unconsciously) to completely tuning out any sensation coming from that part of my body. When I started practicing yoga I was brought back in touch with my body and it felt like my life opened up from there.

I went on to study holistic nutrition to further understand the impact of stress on my system. Today I help ambitious professionals to connect with their bodies, their joy and their sense of purpose so they can manage stress, increase their energy and live life full-out. My Eats & Asana University course teaches the exact system that helped me regain my health and live a more energetic and full life.

Curious about whether you’re a fit for Eats & Asana University? Book a Stress-Less Breakthrough Call and we can survey your stressors and see where you could use support to show up as the best version of yourself.

Diet and exercise have long been respected as two key players in maintaining your heath. If you take a holistic approach, you know that diet and exercise alone won’t create overall wellbeing, but they certainly are main factors to success.

While there are benefits to many different types of exercise, today we’re looking specifically at yoga and how practicing yoga along with eating a healthy diet will help you create a total picture of health.

Holistic nutrition and yoga philosophy have a lot in common. Using the two disciplines together can maximize your health benefits, yielding greater physical and emotional results than practicing one of them alone.

To see results, practice at least a few yoga postures daily, giving yourself time to calm and center through deep breathing both before and after. Nutrition is a more delicate balance. Be sure to eat balanced meals and not to go longer than 4 hours without food, to maintain a stable blood sugar level. Tuning into your body through yoga will enable you to decipher your body’s cues around food so that you can make the best possible choices for you.

  1. Improve Digestion— Many yoga poses stimulate the digestive organs allowing them to function more efficiently. The squeeze and release of twists, for example, restrict blood flow to your organs temporarily, before allowing fresh oxygenated blood to bring them nourishment. Likewise, healthy foods deliver nutrients to your entire body. Using proper food combining (for example eating fruit on an empty stomach) to ensure that your digestive system functions optimally, laying the foundation for good health.
  2. Stress Reduction– Deep breathing, mental focus, and of course, shavasana all have obvious stress reduction benefits. Yoga helps us engage our parasympathetic nervous system (the opposite of the body’s fight or flight response) to bring calm to both body and mind. A little less obvious might be the role nutrition plays in reducing stress. There are a number of factors that stress our bodies, including nutrient deficiencies, exposure to toxins, and food allergies. Cleaning up your diet by eating organic fruits and vegetables, and avoiding chemicals, excess hormones, and artificial ingredients will reduce stress on your body. Also, paying attention to avoid foods that you have an adverse reaction to will limit stress on your body as a whole.
  3. Mindfulness – Both yoga and nutrition increase our connection to our bodies. Yoga allows you to tune in and listen to the cues your body gives you. Eating is an opportunity to bring yoga with you to the table. Use your intuition when making food choices, and be mindful of the way your body responds once you’ve eaten. Practicing yoga improves your ability to witness discomfort and build resilience to process it. This resilience carries over to other uncomfortable situations like craving junk foods. Bring mindfulness to the table by practicing gratitude before meals. By thinking or saying out loud what you’re grateful for you can put your body in a receptive state, so it’s ready to receive nourishment. Chewing your food thoroughly is another good way to practice being present and mindful with your food while you eat.
  1. Increase Energy– Remember the yoga high you feel after class? Yoga postures and breathing release stored energy in your body, giving you a liberating feeling at the end of class. Stretching your muscles and expressing your full range of motion increases the energy and blood flowing to your extremities.The food we eat is a main source of energy for our bodies. There is a transference of energy from our food to our body that happens during digestion. Eating living foods (like sprouts, fermented vegetables, and salads) promote life in our bodies. The opposite is true when we have poor digestion; digestive troubles will take up energy, leaving us feeling tired and drained after eating.
  2. Detoxification— Yoga helps to wring out our organs, prompting them to release toxins. During hot yoga classes, we release toxins through our skin when we sweat. The food we eat can be responsible for contributing to, or decreasing our toxic load. Foods like lemon, ginger, and cilantro are natural detoxifiers. Having enough fiber in your diet will aid the elimination process, ensuring toxins can be excreted from the body easily through the colon.


There are many overlapping benefits of nutrition and yoga including improving digestion, stress management, mindfulness, increasing energy and even detoxification. Eating well and practicing yoga can help you maximize your overall health benefits in these areas.

Recipe: Post-Yoga Detoxifying Tea

1” fresh ginger root
1” fresh turmeric root (or ¼ tsp dried)
¼ cup fresh mint leaves
Juice from ½ lemon
6 cups water

Bring water to a boil. Remove from heat and add ginger, turmeric and mint leaves and let steep for 15-20 minutes. Remove ginger, turmeric (pieces only) and mint leaves and add lemon juice. Serve warm or cold.

Tip: sweeten with honey, if desired.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932774/
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/stress-management-enhance-your-well-being-by-reducing-stress-and-building-resilience
  3. https://www.precisionnutrition.com/all-about-yoga

Tired? 5 Natural Ways to Beat Fatigue

The most common complaint I hear from the ambitious professionals I work with is “I’m tired.” Just plain old tired.

There are so many things in our environments today that demand energy and attention. No wonder we’re feeling depleted! When you’re tired you don’t show up as your best self. It’s easier to make mistakes, be moody, and a lot harder to concentrate. Learning ways to manage your energy naturally is key to moving forward during busy days and weeks.

Before you go reaching for an extra cup of caffeine, try these natural ways to pick your energy up and restore a sense of alertness in your day.

In today’s world, we are constantly on the go, a steady state “busy-ness” is the norm, and we’re always running from one responsibility to the next – literally! So, it’s no wonder that physical fatigue is such a common complaint.

The good news is that there are some really simple (and natural) ways to increase your energy so you can keep up with your busy life.

1.    Get off the blood sugar roller coaster

One of the simplest ways we can boost our energy is to stabilize blood sugar. When we don’t eat enough food throughout the day or when we eat foods that are higher in sugar, our energy levels bottom out.

You can balance your blood sugar, and boost your energy naturally by:

  • Eating every 3-4 hours to give your body the nutrients and fuel it needs to keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady.
  • Consuming foods that are low on the glycemic index (think fruits and veggies, whole grains) instead of the higher sugar white breads and pastas.
  • Eating protein and healthy fats with every meal to slow down the release of carbohydrates into your bloodstream. Protein and healthy fats are broken down and released slower so you’re less likely to have a blood sugar spike and subsequent crash.

2.    Get your body moving

When you’re tired, the last thing you want to do is exercise. However, as hard as it can be to get your butt off the couch, it’s one of the best things you can do to fight fatigue.

And, it turns out that you don’t even have to commit to a long workout!

A California State University study concluded that even a brisk 10-minute walk can increase your energy for up to 2 hours.

So when you feel that afternoon slump coming on, skip the coffee and lace up your running shoes instead.

Can’t leave the office to take a walk? Do a few yoga poses (like sun salutations or warrior II and chair pose to get your blood flowing. Even some deep stretching will wake up your muscles and make you feel more alive.

3.    Be serious about sleep

It may seem obvious that lack of sleep causes fatigue. However did you know that the quality of your sleep can have an even bigger impact on your daily energy? Even slight disturbances in our sleep can affect how rested we feel the next day.

Here are a couple of tips for a more restful sleep:

  • Avoid tech in the bedroom, or within 1-2 hours of bedtime. Even the small amount of light, especially the blue light emitted from devices, interrupts your body’s circadian rhythm. Your brain still thinks it’s daytime and won’t wind down.
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day – or avoid all together if this is a problem for you.
  • Try to create a regular sleep/wake schedule to help your body develop a sleep routine = good sleep hygiene.
  • Dab a bit of calming lavender essential oil on your temples before bed or put a few drops on your pillow. Breathe in the calm.

4.    Take a breath break

Deep breathing signals to your nervous system that it’s ok to calm down and relax. When you’re rushing through your day in a fight-flight state of urgency (most of us are, whether we realize it or not) your breath becomes shallow.

Practicing breath breaks gives you the opportunity to check in with your body and re-establish deep breathing. Giving your body a fresh dose of oxygen will energize you and calm your mind.

To get started, set a timer on your phone or computer to signal you 3-5 times per day so you remember to stop, sit up straight, and breathe.

This is something we talk a lot about in the virtual Eats & Asana University. EAU is a 90-day practical program helps ambitious professionals have less stress and more energy so they can play full-out personally and professionally. Find out if EAU is right for you by booking a free Stress-Less Breakthrough Call today.

5.    Drink more water

Before you reach for that coffee or energy drink to perk you up, consider switching to water. While caffeine is usually the first choice for busting out of an energy slump, it’s not really what the body needs. Caffeine triggers a “false” sense of energy that can leave you feeling more depleted later on.

And then there’s dehydration. Even mild dehydration impairs our concentration, decreases our mood and zaps our energy. (Caffeine can be dehydrating).

How do you know if you may be dehydrated?

Check the colour of your urine. If it’s a pale yellow or mostly clear, you’re good to go. If it’s a darker yellow colour, it’s time to drink up.

If you’re still craving a caffeine hit, try the Energizing Matcha Smoothie recipe below.

Matcha gives a longer lasting energy boost than coffee. It doesn’t hit you hard and then cause you to crash. Plus the recipe really is delicious!


Glycemic Index Foundation – https://www.gisymbol.com/about-glycemic-index/

California State University Long Beach, Public Affairs & Publications – https://web.csulb.edu/misc/inside/archives/vol_58_no_4/1.htm

National Sleep Foundation – https://sleepfoundation.org/press-release/what-good-quality-sleep

Time.com Health Land – http://healthland.time.com/2012/01/19/bad-mood-low-energy-there-might-be-a-simple-explanation/


Energizing Vanilla Matcha Smoothie

1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (your choice, no added sugar)
1-2 tsp matcha green tea powder (start with less if you’re new to matcha – it packs a kick!)
½ frozen banana
Ice cubes (optional)
1 large handful of spinach or kale (optional, but recommended)

How to prepare

Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend until desired smoothness is achieved. Sip and enjoy!

Omega-3’s: A Superfood for Mind and Body

For a lot of people, when they hear “Omega 3’s” they think—fish!

As a nutritionist, when I hear “omega 3’s” I immediately think brain health! Followed by lowering inflammation, reducing muscle soreness, mood-boosting and a whole host of other benefits. So today’s post is in an effort to help you think past the fish that might come to mind and see the plethora of benefits Omega-3’s have to offer.

All fats have a very important role in our bodies. Fats form the outer layer of every single cell in our bodies, especially in our brains. They’re also the building blocks of many of our hormones, and fats help us properly absorb our nutrients.

Fats are superstars when it comes to healthy brain function, managing moods and play a key role in making our feel-good hormones. Increasing your healthy fat intake is a good idea if you’re under stress because fats keep you full longer, increase energy and ward-off cravings.

Learn more in this week’s post about Omega-3’s which are superstars in the world of healthy fats.

There’s a lot of talk about healthy fats these days. People are including more fat in their diets and forgetting about the fat-free diet crazes of the past (it’s about time!).

You’ve probably heard about omega fats (3, 6, 9) in the mix, but what exactly are they?

Omega Fats and Their Functions

Omegas are a group of fatty acids known as Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9. They’re numerically named based on their chemical composition.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids (EFA’s). The body is capable of producing some fatty acids on its own, like Omega-9 – meaning you don’t need to get them from food.

But the fatty acids the body can’t create on its own must be obtained from food, and therefore, are considered essential. Both fats are needed for good health, but most diets contain an abundance of omega-6 and not enough omega-3.

This skewed ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 is considered a cause of chronic inflammation that can lead to scary stuff, like heart attack and stroke.

A 1:1 ratio is ideal for keeping inflammation at bay, but it’s estimated that most people have a ratio closer to 20:1!

Low intake of Omega-3’s means most people are missing out on the major health benefits of this essential fat.

The protective qualities of Omega-3’s include:

  • Improved immune system function
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Improved mood and cognition
  • Decreased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, arthritis, and depression
  • Improved triglyceride and cholesterol values
  • Critical role in human development – the brain and retina contain lots of omega-3 in the form of DHA

Which foods are the best sources of Omega-3’s?

Omega-3’s actually include several types of fats, including:

  • ALA (alpha linolenic acid) – found in plants, like nuts and seeds
  • DHA/EPA – found primarily in fish

The best sources of ALA include flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts.

Canola and soybean oil are also good sources of ALA, but these oils aren’t the healthy options since they quickly oxidize and turn rancid, which promotes inflammation and cancels out any beneficial effects of the omega-3s they contain.

While meat and dairy aren’t a good source of omega-3s, it’s worth noting grass fed meat and dairy contain higher amounts of omega-3s than conventional grain fed meat.

ALA needs to be converted into EPA or DHA by the body for it to be utilized. This process is pretty inefficient, with estimates of 1-20% of the ALA we consume being converted into a usable form.

Although it would be hard to meet all your omega-3 needs only with sources of ALA, flax, chia, and walnuts are still healthy fats with lots of other good-for-you vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Since fish contains the ready-to-use EPA/DHA form, it is recommended that most people obtain their omega-3’s from fatty cold water fish, like salmon, tuna, herring, and sardines.

Did you know fish don’t actually produce the omega-3s they contain? Instead, algae makes EPA/DHA and fish accumulate the fat from the algae they eat. Cool fat fact!

If omega-3’s from fish are so good for us, shouldn’t we be eating fish every day? Nope!

How much Omega Fats should we be eating? Do I have to eat fish or take fish oil?

While there are no official recommendations for daily omega-3 intake, it’s thought most people can meet their basic omega-3 needs by consuming fish 2x/week.

To avoid taking in too much mercury, a toxic heavy metal in fish, you should alternate the types of fish you eat and limit varieties known to be high in mercury.

If you choose not to consume fish because of mercury or other concerns, it’s best to supplement with fish oil or, if you’re vegan – try algae oil. Fish and algae oils don’t contain mercury as a result of processing.

It’s generally considered safe to consume up to 3 – 6g of fish oil per day. If you include a high quality fish oil supplement and a variety of sources of healthy fats in your diet, you don’t have to worry about counting omega-3s.

People who are managing symptoms of heart disease or other illness may benefit from even higher, therapeutic doses of omega-3’s.

However, high doses of fish oil could interfere with blood clotting. If you’re currently taking blood thinners or have surgery scheduled, you should check with a healthcare provider before supplementing.


Healthline – Omega 3 Fatty Acids: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

National Institutes of Health – Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Precision Nutrition – All About Fish Oil

Precision Nutrition – All About Healthy Fats


Chia Pudding Serves 2

1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk, such as almond or coconut
¼ cup chia seeds
1-2 Tbsp. maple syrup or honey (depending on how much sweetener you like to use)
¼ tsp vanilla extract
1 cup mixed berries, for topping
2 Tbsp. raw walnuts, chopped (for topping)

Combine milk, chia seeds, sweetener, and vanilla in a mixing bowl and whisk until well-combined. Alternatively, you can place ingredients in a glass jar with a lid and shake to combine.

Refrigerate chia pudding at least 2 hours or overnight. Portion pudding into bowls. Top with fresh berries and chopped walnuts.

Tip: You can add 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder (unprocessed preferred) to the pudding mixture to make a rich chocolatey version!

5 Ways to Beat the Negative Self-Talk That’s Holding You Back

So far, I’ve yet to meet someone who’s immune to the negative drama that plays inside their own head. Even the great Mark Twain said:

“I’ve suffered many catastrophes in my life. Most of which never happened.”

When we let negativity, criticism, and judgment live in our minds they can make life feel like a burden. This crosses over into our physical experience because our bodies react to mental stress the same way they would to an attack in our physical environment.

The good news is it’s possible to shift your health by taming the negative self-talk that happens in your mind (yes, you can control it!).

Your mindset

A little self-criticism is a normal shared human mental pattern, and can even be healthy for the most part. But, we can also just as easily open the door to that overly vocal “negative nelly” voice in our head.

However, if your negative voice is preventing you from doing what you want or need to do in your life, then it has to get booted back out the door. This kind of mental chatter has no right to set up shop in your mind.

Deeply held negative beliefs, especially when they’re firmly rooted in your unconscious, stress you out, damage relationships and can greatly limit your potential for health and happiness.

If you’re sick of having the same old conversation with negative nelly, then be sure to try some of the ideas I’ve outlined in this article on how you can shift away from this damaging mindset, and finally release yourself of these limiting beliefs.

What are limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are the little, but persistent voices that convince you that you can’t be or do or have something due to a perceived inadequacy in some area of your life or personality.

Your negative nelly narrative usually goes something like this:

I won’t ever be [this]…

I can’t do [that]…

I don’t have [this]…

I don’t deserve to be/have [this]…

And, one really common one that comes up for many people…

I am not good enough.

This type of self-doubting talk usually comes on strongest when you’re taking on a new challenge. For example, when you get promoted or are striving to meet a deadline. Any time you’re stretching your comfort zone and growing yourself, that’s when you can expect this voice to show up. Recognize that hearing these doubting thoughts are normal and take them as a sign of growth, rather than a believing their doubts to be true.

Let’s change up the narrative you may have been having with yourself for a very long time!

Overcoming negative self-talk and releasing limiting beliefs

Your limiting decisions have shaped everything you do, and they have likely prevented you from seeing opportunities and maybe even discouraged you from trying some things at all.

The good news is that it’s totally possible to permanently change a long-held belief — even the ones that are lifelong.

You only perceive what you believe, so your beliefs shape the very world you live in.

But, when your limiting beliefs come into question, your whole world can experience a shift for the better.

Here are a few ideas to help you silence your inner critic for good.

When you find yourself feeling “stuck”, or repeatedly spinning your wheels on the same speed bumps that life might be throwing your way, it’s always a great idea to seek out the help and guidance of a coach, counsellor or therapist.

In addition to that, there are several things you can do on your own, in your own time and space…

  1. The first step to releasing limiting beliefs is to shift your thinking into awareness

Time to bring those disempowering thoughts out of hiding. Once you do that, know that you have choice.

However, just simply being aware or having knowledge of them is not enough, it’s just the first step. You must understand and truly believe that you have a choice about how to react to stressful situations.

I interviewed World Cup Gold Medalist and National Ski coach, Elisa Kurylowicz in the Simple Stress Reduction Facebook group. She broke down the concept of awareness and offered great tips for getting started with an awareness practice.

  1. Possible thinking, not just positive thinking

Your mind is a powerful thing, and when you fill it with thoughts of what’s possible (not just positive), your mindset will start to shift.

When you believe something IS possible, you will notice options and opportunities coming up for you that would simply not have be noticed if you did not believe it was possible.

With repetition, your positive feelings will intensify, the new neural connections will strengthen, and you’ll start to notice just how awesome this new “win” really feels!

Reminding yourself often of these little wins can further shift your mindset and help you embrace the bright side of your perceived “failures” or shortcomings. It also helps to simply accept that you are perfectly imperfect, just the way you are!

  1. If you wouldn’t say it to your friend, don’t say it to yourself

Your limiting beliefs are assumptions you make about reality that often aren’t true. They aren’t helpful, and they certainly don’t serve you or the goals you want to achieve.

Ask yourself: would I say these negative, hurtful and unsupportive words to a friend?

  1. Adopt empowering beliefs such as:

“It is not my job to please everyone else.”

“Just be me. There will never be anyone else like me.”

To swap out your limiting belief with a more empowering one, you’ll need to play a little mind game:

Convince yourself that the value you thought you were getting from the former limiting belief isn’t worthwhile, and that your new empowering belief can serve to fill this void.

  1. Take some time and space that’s all yours

Ensure that you are creating space in your life for these new empowering beliefs. Take action and get into the habit of using your new beliefs as often as possible until they begin to feel comfortable, familiar and routine to you.

Just remember – you have the ability to harness the power of the possible! Overcoming negative self-talk and releasing yourself of limiting beliefs takes commitment, introspection and a good dose of self-confidence to make the necessary changes stick.

There’s the old saying that we view ourselves through a much harsher lens than the rest of world does. So, let’s try to bring our own lens back into focus.


Health.com: 9 Ways to Silence Your Inner Critic

Thrive Global: What are Limiting Beliefs and What Causes Them?

IQ Matrix: The Complete Guide on How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

Can’t Meditate? Here are 9 Other Ways to Break Free From Stress

I hear this often “I can’t meditate,” or “I’m just not good at meditation.”

I get it. It’s hard to calm your mind and relax your body, especially if this is far from the state you’re living in on a daily basis. It’s not your fault that you can’t go from an intense day of work, or a cardio class at the gym, right into a space of inner zen and calm.

It’s actually your nervous system that’s revved up (along with your stress hormones) so when you try to calm down with a 5 minute meditation timer set on your phone, it’s no wonder you feel it isn’t working out.

Mediation can also be anxiety provoking for a lot of people, especially if you’re a high-stress individual. That’s why in this post I’m offering you alternatives to the “sit down and stay quiet” meditation that might feel daunting for you.

For more tips to reduce stress in practical ways that suit your busy lifestyle, join my Simple Stress Reduction Facebook group.

I know, I know. Meditation is the secret sauce to take your wellness up to the status of the “elite gurus.” It’s touted as the “be all, end all” for the health of your entire mind-body-spirit, and the absolute must-do for beating stress.

But what if you can’t meditate?

Side note: I actually don’t believe anyone can be “bad at mediation,” because it’s a practice that gets better over time.

It still might not be for you at this stage, especially if you’re super high-stress to begin with.

Practicing meditation is an excellent approach to optimizing your health and overall well-being. Meditation is great for relieving and dealing with stress, and all of the issues that come along with it. But it certainly is not the only way to get there.

The whole purpose of meditating is to calm the mind and emotions and relax our physical body too. And there is always more than one way to get there.

Let’s talk about some of the other things to try if meditation is too confronting or anxiety-provoking for you.

1. Journaling

Spending some time every day writing out your thoughts can help to relieve stress. You can use journaling to list the things you’re grateful for, this is known as gratitude journaling. You can use it as a “brain dump” to get all of your thoughts and ideas out of your head to soothe your mind. You can use “ever since” journaling to describe your life after you reach your goals.

2. Reading

It’s one thing to read to learn something that you have to learn, or to advance your knowledge. And, you can also read for pure pleasure. To get caught up in a story and just relax.

3. Colouring

Adult colouring books are all the rage! Not *that* kind of adult, but colouring pages with lots of detail and tiny areas to colour in. Something that can take you hours. You can always opt for something simple, like kids colouring pages too. The idea is the same. Repeated movements and focusing on the art you’re creating can help to clear your mind.

4. Knitting or crocheting (or other crafts)

Knitting, crocheting or other yarn activities are a great way to de-stress; this is a skill that comes in all levels from beginner to advanced. You can choose a quick little rectangular scarf to make, or a detailed sweater. You can choose the pattern, size, and yarn. Once you get into the flow of these skills, they’re great to do when you’re feeling stressed. Not only can they relax your mind to focus on your work, but you can end up warming yourself or others with the products you create.

5. Gentle exercise

Gently moving your body is another great way to de-stress. Activities that are slower and less intensive are ideal. Things like walking, yoga, stretching, or tai chi can all be great ways to relax your mind and improve your strength and balance at the same time.

6. Sleep in or take a nap

A common cause of increased stress hormones is lack of sleep. Too little sleep and too much stress go hand-in-hand. So, getting enough good quality sleep is important to help you break free from stress without having to meditate.

7. Pamper yourself

Maybe you love getting massages or mani/pedi’s? Maybe you love a long bath or lighting candles? Perhaps you can add your favourite relaxing music to the mix for a pampering evening? Spending some time to pamper yourself regularly is great for your mind, body, and spirit.

8. Spend time in nature

You don’t have to head away for vacation to relax in nature. While a calm beautiful beach or cabin in the woods may be amazing, you don’t have to go that far. Even spending time on the grass at your local park or playground, or walking on a wooded trail in your neighbourhood can do the trick.

9. Make time for people and pets you love

It’s so important to spend time with family, friends, and pets whom you love. New research is coming out about the health issues related to loneliness. Reach out and plan to hang out with your besties, or even offer to take your neighbour’s dog for a walk in the park.

10. Deep Breathing

Learn a deep breathing technique that will get you centered and relaxed quickly in my free De-Stress on Demand Guide.


Stress reduction is the goal. How you do it, be it meditation or otherwise, is not that important. What’s important is that you find what works for you.

Try journaling, reading, colouring, knitting/crocheting, gentle exercise, sleep, pampering yourself, spending time in nature, and making time for people and pets you love.

Have other great ideas? Let me know what helps you de-stress in the comments below.

Recipe (calming): Lavender Essential Oil Room Spray

What you need:

30 drops Pure lavender essential oil
4 Tbsp. Witch hazel
¾ cup water
Small spray bottle


Combine all ingredients in a small spray bottle using a funnel. Shake until well mixed.

To use: use 1-2 sprays in the room where you are. Try it in the bedroom, bathroom while taking a bath, or at your desk.

Tip: Lavender isn’t the only calming essential oil. You can also use angelica, balsam, benzoin, bitter orange, cedarwood, celery, chamomile, cornmint, cumin, curry, frankincense, grapefruit, jasmine, juniper, labdanum, laurel, lemongrass, marjoram, nutmeg, palmarosa, parsley, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, scotch pine, spearmint, star anise, sweet basil, sweet orange, thyme, or ylang ylang.







